Walter Scott: Chronicles of the Canongate
   a machine-readable transcription

Version 1.0:	1993-03-25

  This machine-readable transcription of the
Chronicles of the Canongate is based on the text
published as volumes 41 and 48 of the Waverley
Novels by Archibald Constable and Company in 1896.

  Volume 41 also included the Keepsake Stories, which
have been separated from the Chronicles. The tale
`The Surgeon's Daughter' originally appeared in
volume 48, for reasons only printers and publishers
will understand.

  The order of the files in this distribution are
as follows:

  introduction		- the author's introduction
  introduction.appendix	- account of the first public
			  announcement of Scott's authorship
			  of the Waverley novels
  introductory		- Chrystal Croftangry account of
  the highland.widow.notes
  the two.drovers.notes

Changes to the text

  Page-breaks have been removed

  End-of-line hyphenations have been removed, and the
previously hyphenated word placed at the end of the
first text line. The text itself has been the main
guide for keeping or removing the hyphen; in some
cases the Centenary Edition has been consulted.

  Small capitals in names have been replaced by
lower-case letters, otherwise by capitals.

p. lxvi:	genius (genuis)


p. 11:	waistcoat (waistcoast)
p. 17:	position (postion)
p. 44:	magnificent (magnificient)
p. 83:	don't (dont)
p. 87:	postscript (postcript)


p. xxx:	Corrie Dhu  (Corri Dhu)
	Odd, that 'Dhu' is so spelled here, while previusly
	it is spelled 'dhu'. Same in C.E.

p. 223  pedestrians	(pedes- || trains)
p. 223  termed	(term-)
p. 287  missing '?'  (hast thou at lest become sick)

Surgeons Daughter:

p. 153:	taken by an eminent artist (arilst)
p. 174: But faith, this Schiller (``But faith)
p. 216: of whose loss she had (lose)
p. 304: adding fuel to fire (feul)
p. 337: use, he apprehended, to enable  (apprehended to - missing comma)
p. 339: All these feelings (``All)
p. 382: force on her inclinations.'' (inclinations,'')
p. 383: ``Villain---double-dyed (missing dash)
p. 385: thou art Governor (Go-||venor)
p. 387: garment. In the  (garment  In)
p. 395: former adventures, the plundering (missing comma)
p. 403: brandished (bran-||nished)
p. 404: we have formerly described (formesly)
p. ???: he presumed him to be entirely ignorant (persumed)

Markup conventions

_ _	is placed around words that are italicized in
        the text

= =	is placed around words with extra emphasis --
        small caps in the text.

---	is used to represent an em dash. Longer sequences of
        hyphens indicates correspondingly longer dashes

<oe>	signifies the oe ligature
<ae>	signifies the ae ligature
<AE>	signifies the <AE> ligature
<a`>	signifies the a grave
<e'>	signifies the e acute
<e`>	signifies the e grave
<e^>	signifies an e circumflex
<c,>	signifies a c with cedilla


  Footnotes in the text were placed at the foot of
the page; in this edition they have been placed
immediately after the line in which they are
referenced. The footnote callout is always an

*    Like this

and the text of the footnote has been placed,
slightly indented, between two empty lines, as
illustrated above.  If the footnote comes at the
end of a paragraph, the first line of the
following paragraph is indented two spaces, as

  Most footnotes are just references to end-notes.
In the original text, these appeared at the end of
each chapter -- in this electronic edition, they
have been placed in a file of their own, following
the model used in the Centenary Edition.  The page
numbers of the original footnotes have been
replaced by letters A, B, etc, again on the
pattern used in the Centenary Edition.


  In The Surgeon's Daughter, the various amounts of
money are printed as L.100, L.200 and L.2000 etc.
These are so printed in the original, although the
Centenary Edition uses a pound sterling sign
instead of "L.".

  The Surgeon's Daughter seems rather unevenly
edited.  Here are some of the unevennesses I've

  Hindostan, Hindustan
  Hindoo, Hindhu
  jackall, jackals
  Town-Clerk, Town-clerk

There also seems to be some occasional
inconsistence in the use of the following words.

  Governor, governor 
  Government, government

The differences appear in both the original source
and the Cententary Edition

  The transcription and proof-reading was done by
Anders Thulin, Rydsvagen 288, S-582 50 Linkoping,
Sweden.  Email address:

  I'd be glad to learn of any errors that you may
find in the text.