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First Edition, First Impression:
Rokeby; A Poem. By Walter Scott, Esq. Edinburgh: Printed
for John Ballantyne and Co. Edinburgh; and Longman, Hurst, Rees,
Orme, and Brown, London; By James Ballantyne and Co. Edinburgh,
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December 1811, having agreed to the young architect William Stark's
ambitious but exorbitantly priced plan for his new 'cottage' at Abbotsford,
Scott began looking for a lucrative poetic topic to cover his coming
expenses. He first contemplated, and indeed began work on, a poem
on Robert the Bruce but felt that an English subject would be more
novel. He soon thought of setting the poem during the English Civil
War and locating its action at Rokeby Park in County Durham, the
home of his friend John Morritt, which he had visited in June 1809.
Morritt was only too happy to supply further local and historical
information, and Scott was to refresh his impressions during a
further visit in September 1812.
Progress on the poem was initially slow. Scott was unhappy with
the first draft of the opening canto and destroyed it in March
1812. Work was then held up by his family's flitting to Abbotsford
in May and by the emerging financial difficulties of John
Ballantyne and Co., in which Scott was a silent half-partner
(see Financial hardship).
Scott threw the entire manuscript into the fire in September 1812
and started over again. The third draft proceeded much more rapidly
and Scott was hopeful of publishing by Christmas. He began, however,
to work simultaneously on a lighter poetic romance, The
Bridal of Triermain. This was to be published anonymously
at the same as Rokeby, in the hope that the public would
think it the work of an imitator and rival of Scott. This is the
first instance of a taste for mystification, which Scott would
later indulge in as a novelist, appearing variously in the guise
of 'The Author of Waverley' and Jedediah Cleishbotham. As
Scott was also seeking to complete his editorial work on The
Works of Jonathan Swift, he was only able to complete Rokeby on
December 31, 1812, with the poem appearing on January 11, 1813.
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poem is set just after the Parliamentarian victory at Marston Moor
(1644). Prior to the outbreak of war, the Royalist Lord Rokeby
has favoured the marriage of his daughter Matilda (in whom some
have seen a portrait of Williamina
Belsches) with Wilfrid Wycliffe. When Wilfrid's father Oswald,
however, joins the rebels, he withdraws his consent. At Marston
Moor, Rokeby is consigned as a prisoner to Oswald. Oswald, meanwhile,
plans to murder a fellow Parliamentarian Philip, of Mortham, whose
vengeance he fears. In the past, Oswald, having failed to seduce
Mortham's wife, had deceived Mortham into killing her on suspicion
of infidelity. Shortly after, Mortham's infant child had been carried
of by an armed band. In despair, Mortham had turned to piracy,
accumulating a fortune on the Spanish Main. Oswald hires a disaffected
retainer, Bertram Risingham, to whom he promises Mortham's treasure.
Bertram shoots Mortham, and leaves him for dead. He then attacks
Rokeby Castle where Mortham's treasure is stored, but Rokeby's
page Redmond O'Neale, a young Irishman, puts up a spirited defence.
The castle is set alight during the attack, and, through Redmond's
assistance, Matilda and Wilfrid escape. Redmond and Rokeby, however,
remain in Oswald's custody. Oswald learns that Mortham is still
alive and discovers too that Redmond is Mortham's missing son.
Frustrated in his schemes, he threatens Rokeby and Redmond with
death, unless the former agree to his daughter's marriage with
Wilfrid. Matilda consents to save her father's life, but Wilfrid
refuses to accept her sacrifice, dying soon after of wounds received
during the attack on Rokeby Castle. Oswald orders the executions
to proceed but is killed, in the nick of time, by Bertram, who
has survived the blaze and whose loyalty to Mortham has revived.
Bertram is in turn killed by Oswald's soldiers. Mortham and Redmond
are reunited, and Matilda and Redmond wed.
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For any other poet, Rokeby would have been an astounding
commercial success, with 10,000 copies sold in the first three
months. At the same stage, however, sales of The
Lady of the Lake had reached 14,000, and Rokeby fell
far short of being the triumph that Scott had counted on to cover
his mounting expenses at Abbotsford and to mend the affairs of
John Ballantyne and Co.
Critical opinion was broadly favourable, with particularly positive
reviews appearing in the Antijacobin Review, British
Critic, and Monthly Review. The British Critic's
reviewer called it 'pure poetry' and predicted that 'the name of
Scott will descend to the latest posterity with those of the most
established poets'. There was particular praise for the vigour
and variety of Scott's characterizations, though reservations were
expressed regarding the coherence of the plot. A harsher view was
offered by the Literary Panorama which thought Scott's vocabulary
and rhymes poor and, foreshadowing much criticism of Scott's novels,
noted many anachronisms in period detail.
Scott was to return to narrative verse with The
Lord of the Isles and The
Field of Waterloo (both 1815) and Harold
the Dauntless (1817) but was never to repeat the success
of The Lady of the Lake.
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Last updated: 19-Dec-2011
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