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Articles and Chapters on Sir Walter Scott Published in 2006

An Annotated Bibliography

Abrantes, Elisa Lima. 'Elementos celtas no romance Waverley de Sir Walter Scott', in Lugares dos discursos: literários e culturais: o local, o regional, o nacional, o inter-nacional, o planetário, ed. José Luis Jobim (Rio de Janeiro: EdUFF, 2006)

Chapter discussing Celtic elements in Waverley developed from a paper given at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Comparative Literature Association (Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada). Pagination unknown.

Adolf, Heinrich. 'Richard Thorpe: Ivanhoe (1952)', in Mittelalter im Film, ed. Christian Kiening and Heinrich Adolf (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2006)

Pagination unknown; on Richard Thorpe's 1952 film adaptation of Ivanhoe.

Altshuller, Mark G. 'The Rise and Fall of Walter Scott's Popularity in Russia', trans. Neil Stewart, in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 204-40.

A comprehensive survey of Scott's Russian reception from the 1830s to the post-Soviet period, making particular reference to his influence on Pushkin, Dostoyevsky, and Tolstoy. Locates Scott's importance for Russian literature in combining history with invention, placing familiar historical figures on the periphery of his narrative, sparking an interest in national culture, and adopting a tolerant, even-handed narrative stance.

Armstrong, Nancy. ‘The Fiction of Bourgeois Morality and the Paradox of Individualism’, in The Novel. 2, Forms and Themes, ed. Franco Moretti (Princeton, N.J.; Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2006), pp. 349-88.

Includes (pp. 365-72), a discussion of Waverley and of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, which identifies both novels with a turn against individualism on the part of bourgeois morality, where, in order to enter the modern social order, the individual had to renounce what was most essential to their individuality. This chapter was previously published in Italian in 2001.

Bachleitner, Norbert. 'The Reception of Walter Scott in Nineteenth-Century Austria', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 80-94.

Describes how Scott was seen as potentially subversive in imperial Austria, leading to the banning of seventeen of his novels. Studies in particular Woodstock where passages critical of the Royalist position were cut. Goes on to discuss theatrical adaptations of Scott and his influence on the Austrian historical novel, where the characterization of the relationship between Austria and Hungary paralleled relations between England and 'old', 'Romantic' Scotland in Scott.

Bander, Elaine. 'Mansfield Park and the 1814 Novels: Waverley, The Wanderer, Patronage', Persuasions, 28 (2006), 115-25.

A comparative reading of Jane Austen's Mansfield Park and three other novels of 1814, Scott's Waverley, Frances Burney's The Wanderer, and Maria Edgeworth's Patronage. Notes how in both Austen and Scott the image of a young lady performing music suggests a siren-like false or dangerous love-object, while, for the older Burney it still denotes the sensibility and virtue of the heroine of the eighteenth-century sentimental novel.

Barnaby, Paul. 'Another Tale of Old Mortality: The Translations of August-Jean-Baptiste Defauconpret in the French Reception of Scott', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 31-44.

Focusing on the first French translation of Old Mortality, argues that Scott undergoes a startling transformation at his translator's hands. Defauconpret tailors the Waverley novels to a Legitimist, Catholic, post-Napoleonic readership. Abandoning the political impartiality that offended Conservative and Liberal alike, Defauconpret's Scott unreservedly condemns all popular challenges to constituted authority.

Barnaby, Paul. 'Timeline of the European Reception of Sir Walter Scott, 1802-2005', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. xxiv-lxxiv.

Timeline in tabular form aiming to record a) the first translation of individual works by Scott for each European country b) all European book-length monographs on Scott plus significant reviews, articles, chapters, and theses, and c) literary, artistic, and musical works inspired by Scott, adaptations into other media, and miscellaneous events connected to Scott's life and works.

Bartley, William. 'Mookie as "Wavering Hero": Do the Right Thing and the American Historical Romance', Literature/Film Quarterly, 34.1 (2006), 9-18.

Argues that Mookie, protagonist of Spike Lee's 1989 film Do the Right Thing, belongs to a tradition of 'wavering heroes' that derives from Scott's Waverley Novels.

Bautz, Annika. 'The Reception of Walter Scott in East, West and Reunified Germany (1949-2005)', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 117-37

Examines the political imperatives involved in publishing Scott in a divided Germany, considering issues of censorship and self-censorship. Stresses the East German appeal of Scott's 'bias to the poor' and the greater seriousness with which he was read behind the Wall. Regrets that the West German image of Scott as 'adventure-story writer' remains dominant following Reunification.

Blair, David. 'Scott, Cartography, and the Appropriation of Scottish Place', in Literature & Place, 1800-2000, ed. Peter Brown and Michael Irwin (Oxford; New York: Peter Lang, 2006), pp. 87–108.

Calder, Jenni. 'Figures in a Landscape: Scott, Stevenson and Routes to the Past', in Robert Louis Stevenson: Writer of Boundaries, ed. Richard Ambrosini and Richard Dury (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2006), pp. 121-32.

Comparative study of Scott's Waverley, Rob Roy, and Redgauntlet and Stevenson's Kidnapped (1886), The Master of Ballantrae (1889), and Catriona (1891), examining how each writer uses landscape as a route to the past.

Casset, Marie. 'Les châteaux dans Ivanhoé: archéologie et histoire, nationalisme et morale', in Images du Moyen âge: actes du colloque, Lorient, 31 mars-2 avril 2005, ed. Isabelle Durand-Le Guern (Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2006), pp. 87-100.

On castles in Ivanhoe.

Chandler, James. 'Edgeworth and Scott: The Literature of Reterritorialization', in Repossessing the Romantic Past, ed. Heather Glen and Paul Hamilton (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp. 118-39.

Crane, James. 'Love and Merit in the Maritime Historical Novel: Cooper and Scott', Romantic Circles: Praxis Series, Nov. 2006 (Sullen Fires Across the Atlantic: Essays in Transatlantic Romanticism ) <> [accessed 28 July 2010]

Compares the relationships among sailors in Scott's novel The Pirate (1821) to the instances of intimate friendship among heroes in James Fenimore Cooper's The Pilot: A Tale of the Sea (1823).

Davidson, Mary Catherine. 'Remembering our Saxon Forefathers: Linguistic Nationalism in Ivanhoe', Studies in Medievalism, 15 (2006), 41-54.

Dentith, Simon. 'Walter Scott and Heroic Minstrelsy', in Epic and Empire in Nineteenth-Century Britain (Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp. 26-47.

Through an analysis of The Lay of the Last Minstrel and The Lady of the Lake and the essays ' On Romance' (1824) and 'Introductory Remarks on Popular Poetry' (1830), identifies Scott as the most important conduit for bardic ideas into the nineteenth century. It is above all through the figure of Scott, as ballad collector and poet as much as novelist, that the connections between epic, romance, national balladry, and the pre-modern world were conclusively established.

Despland, Michel. 'La position du problème: Thomas Carlyle contre Sir Walter Scott', in Romans victoriens et apprentissage du discernement moral (Saint-Nicolas: Presses de l'Université Laval, 2006), pp. 15-30.

Discusses Waverley and Old Mortality in the light of Carlyle's 1838 essay on Scott in the Westminster Review.

Dolinin, Alexander. 'Val'ter-skottovskii istorizm i Kapitanskaia dochka', Tynianovskii sbornik, 12 (2006), 177-97.

Russian-language article that considers the influence of Scott on Pushkin's 1836 novel Kapitanskaia dochka (The Captain's Daughter). An expanded version of this article was subsequently published in Dolinin's Pushkin i Angliia: tsikl statei (Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2007).

Duncan, Ian. 'Blackwood’s and Romantic Nationalism', in Print Culture and the Blackwood Tradition, 1805-1930, ed. David Finkelstein (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, c2006), pp. 70-89.

Duncan, Ian.Waverley’, in The Novel. 2, Forms and Themes, ed. Franco Moretti (Princeton, N.J.; Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2006), pp. 173-80.

Analyses how Scott transformed his precursors into a genre that realized its modernity in a discursive reckoning with history, and how Waverley signals that renewal by telling, through its narrative of public and private histories, the tale of its own formation as the genre of modern life. This chapter was previously published in Italian in 2002.1

Duncan, Ian, and Douglas Mack. 'Hogg, Galt, Scott and their Milieu', in The Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature. 2, Enlightenment, Britain and Empire (1707-1918), ed. Susan Manning (Edinburgh: University Press, c2007 [i.e. 2006]), pp. 211-20.

Shows how Scott, as a Tory in his politics but ideologically a product of the Whig Enlightenment, stood between the literati of his own generation (Jeffrey and other contributors to the Edinburgh Review) and the young Turks of Blackwood's. Through Scott, the novel became the normative literary form of middle-class culture, rhetorically unifying the public with its invocation of national life, whereas magazines and reviews politicized growing social divisions.2

Durie, Alastair. '"Scotland is Scott-Land": Scott and the Development of Tourism', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 313-22.

Describes Scott's vital role in the emergence of tourism in Scotland and in its development as a European industry. Focuses on his writings' appeal to, and effect on, outsiders and their patterns of travel within Scotland. Also looks at what Scott's writing may have done for tourism in other parts of Britain, Ireland, or, indeed, Europe which are featured in his work.

Edwards, Gavin. 'The Still Unravished Bride of Lammermoor', in Narrative Order, 1789–1819: Life and Story in an Age of Revolution (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006), pp. 159-78.

Claims that the historical novel and short lyric were the most influential literary forms to emerge from the dissolution of the 'narrative idea of life'. Reads The Bride of Lammermoor alongside Keats's ‘Ode on a Grecian Urn’ to show how both encourage the reader to think not only about storytelling but also about the way in which life might be ordered as narrative, and about the relationship between visual and verbal narrative.

Elbert, Monika. 'Nature, Magic, and History in Stowe and Scott', in Transatlantic Stowe: Harriet Beecher Stowe and European Culture, ed. Denise Kohn, Sarah Meer, and Emily B. Todd (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2006), pp. 46-64.

Elgin, W. Fraser. 'Abbotsford', University of Edinburgh Journal, 42 (2006), 233-35.

Eppers, Arne. '"Berührungen aus der Ferne": Goethe und Walter Scott', Goethe Jahrbuch, 123 (2006), 152-66.

Argues that Goethe's interest in Scott's work is more sporadic and belated than has traditionally been posited. In particular Goethe's reception was long hindered by the low esteem in which historical fiction was held in Germany. The essay can also be read at Arne Eppers's personal website: <> [accessed 28 March 2008]

Fulford, Tim. 'Romantic Indians and their Inventors', in Romantic Indians: Native Americans, British Literature, and Transatlantic Culture 1756-1830 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), pp. 3-40.

Includes (pp. 7-11) a discussion of Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border and The Lady of the Lake.

García Díaz, Enrique. 'Fiction and History in the Tales of my Landlord (3rd Series): The Bride of Lammermoor', ed. Fraser Elgin, The Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club Webulletin, 2006 <> [accessed 17 March 2008]

Argues that the decline of the Ravenswood family in The Bride of Lammermoor symbolizes the decay of traditional Scottish values and society as the country is unified with England. Analyses the conflicting evidence as to whether the novel is set before or after the 1707 Union of the Parliaments. Also suggests that the plot echoes Scott's own unhappy courtship of Williamina Belsches (see Williamina, Charlotte, and Marriage).

García Díaz, Enrique. 'La influencia de las novelas de Walter Scott en la novela histórica española El señor de Bembibre', Espéculo, 33 (2006) <> [accessed 17 March 2008]

Argues that the influence of Scott on the Spanish historical novel proves most fruitful in the case of Enrique Gil y Carrasco's El Señor de Bembibre (1844). Plots, in particular, the novel's debt to The Bride of Lammermoor, but also detects echoes of Ivanhoe and The Talisman.

García Díaz, Enrique. 'Las novelas de Walter Scott: the "Scottish Novels"', El Curioso Pertinente, 13 (2006) <> [accessed 17 March 2008]

Brief discussion of the 'Scottish novels', arguing that they represent Scott's work at its finest, and showing how they plot the creation of the Scottish nation through a series of religious and civil conflicts.

García Díaz, Enrique. 'Walter Scott and Spain: The Influence of the Waverley Novels in the Spanish Historical Novel during the Nineteenth Century', ed. Bridget Falconer-Salked, The Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club Webulletin, 2006 <> [accessed 17 March 2008]

A brief paper plotting Scott's reception in nineteenth-century Spain through critical notices, translations, and novels written in imitation of or in response to Scott.

García Díaz, Enrique. 'Walter Scott: la novela histórica inglesa', Adamar, 25 (2006) <> [accessed 17 March 2008]

Brief discussion of Scott's literary precedents, the innovative nature of his vision of the historical novel, and his influence on subsequent nineteenth-century novelists.

García González, José Enrique. 'Translation, Ideology and Subversion: D. Pablo de Xérica's Spanish Translation of Sir Walter Scott's Waverley', Journal of Romance Studies, 6.3 (2006), 87-102.

Compares the first Spanish translation of Waverley (1835) with the original and with an intermediate French translation, to show that the translator, D. Pablo de Xérica, infused his own liberal ideology into the text, making additions and substitutions, 'with the intention of subverting the dominant Spanish milieu on religious, moral and political grounds'.

García González, José Enrique, and Fernando Toda. 'The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Spain', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 45-63.

Deals with the reception of Scott in Spain in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the beginning of the twenty-first. Concentrates on translations and their production and reception (including recurrent problems with censorship), though some reference is made to the influence of Scott on Spanish authors.

Grutman, Rainier. 'Lenguas y lenguajes "excéntricos" en la novela decimonónica',
Thélème, 21 (2006), 81-96 <> [accessed 7 September 2010]

Includes a discussion (especially pp. 86-88) of the influence of Scott on Balzac's Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes (1838-47) and Victor Hugo's Notre-Dame de Paris (1831).

Gunzenhauser, Bonnie J. 'Readerly Agency and the Discourse of History in The Antiquary', in Romanticism: Comparative Discourses, ed. Diane Long Hoeveler and Larry Peer (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2006), pp. 155-64.

Hamnett, Brian. 'Fictitious Histories: The Dilemma of Fact and Imagination in the Nineteenth-Century Historical Novel', European History Quarterly, 36 (2006), 31-60.

Includes a discussion of Scott's role as the founding father of the European historical novel. The development of the genre is seen as an attempt to resolve the problematic relationship between imagination and historical fact, real and fictional characters, individuals and social groups, and narrative and analysis.

Haywood, Ian. '"The most distressful country": The Irish Rebellion of 1798', in Bloody Romanticism: Spectacular Violence and the Politics of Representation, 1776-1832 (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006).

Pagination unknown. Discusses the influence of Maria Edgeworth's Ennui on Scott and reads Old Mortality as an allegory of the Irish Rebellion of 1798.

Hazard, Erin. '"A Realized Day-Dream": Excursions to Ninetenth-Century Authors' Homes', Nineteenth Century Studies, 20 (2006) 13-33.

Traces the origins of literary tourism in Great Britain as evident in the building of Abbotsford, in the travels of Washington Irving, and in William Howitt's Homes and Haunts of the Most Eminent British Poets (1847). Goes on to foreground mid-century American appropriation of literary tourism as displayed in Irving's Hudson River cottage Sunnyside, and in G. P. Putnam's 1853 book Homes of American Authors modelled on Howitt's text.

Henderson, Diana E. 'Bards of the Borders: Scott's Kenilworth, the Nineteenth Century's Shakespeare, and the Tragedy of Othello', in Collaborations with the Past: Reshaping Shakespeare across Time and Media (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2006), pp. 39-103.

Argues that in Kenilworth, Scott removes 'blackness' from the Othello plot, substituting a submerged Celtic tragedy at the borders of its historical romance. At the same time, Scott elides his authorial position with Shakespeare's, creating an authoritative voice to express (muted) discontent with the treatment of the Celtic fringe and to vindicate his participation in a market economy that undermines his Romantic codes of honour. An earlier version appeared in Victorian Shakespeare (2003).

Henriques, Ana Lucia de Souza. 'Scott e Alencar: escritores escrevendo a sua história', in Lugares dos discursos: literários e culturais: o local, o regional, o nacional, o inter-nacional, o planetário, ed. José Luis Jobim (Rio de Janeiro: EdUFF, 2006)

Chapter comparing Scott and the Brazilian novelist José de Alencar (1829-77) developed from a paper given at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Comparative Literature Association (Associação Brasileira de Literatura Comparada). Pagination unknown.

Henriques, Ana Lucia de Souza. 'Walter Scott na Escócia do século XXI.', Literatura e Comparativismo, 2 (2006)

Brazilian article on Scott in twenty-first-century Scotland; pagination unknown.

Hubbard, Tom. 'European Reception of Scott's Poetry: Translation as the Front Line', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 268-84.

Charts how Scott the poet provided not only the initial entry point to Scott the novelist but to the very nation of Scotland itself, introducing into European poetry a new sense of place. Argues that Scott's poetry left greater artistic space than his novels for almost infinite negotiations between original text and translation (defined broadly to include adaptation, song-setting, and illustrations).

Ianes, Raúl. 'Hermenéutica colonial e historicismo transatlántico en la ficción del XIX hispanoamericano', Hispanic Review, 74 (2006), 379-96.

Analyzes 19th-century Latin American historical fiction as illustrative of the interrelation between literature, nationalism, history, and culture. Writers such as Mexico's Justo Sierra O'Reilly, Guatemala's José Milla y Vidaurre, and Colombia's Soledad Acosta de Samper inherited Scott's model of romantic historical fiction, interpreting a past that was arcane, hermetic, and almost sacred. It was within this framework that they developed a nationalist discourse which influenced their interpretation of the past.

Jackson, Richard D. 'Lost Portrayals of John Grieve, William Laidlaw, James Hogg, and Sir Walter Scott', Studies in Hogg and his World, 17 (2006), 139-44.

Includes a discussion of an untraced painting by William Nicol, Sir Walter Scott Collecting the 'Border Minstrelsy' Accompanied by Hogg and Laidlaw, exhibited at the Royal Scottish Academy in 1843.

Jackson, Richard D. 'Sir Walter Scott’s "First" Meeting with James Hogg', Studies in Hogg and his World, 17 (2006), 5-18.

Argues that there were two, and possibly three, early meetings between Scott and Hogg, but that one, in particular, was influential in generating a close, if sometimes fraught, personal working relationship. Goes on to date this meeting to early September 1802.

Johansson, Eva. 'Rob Roy: The Miscellaneous Novel', The Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club Webulletin, 2006 <> [accessed 17 March 2008]

Takes issue with those critics who see Rob Roy as an incoherent failure, arguing that it successfully binds romance, realism, history, and the Gothic into a compelling 'family drama'. Argues that Scott depicts himself in the novel not only as Frank Osbaldistone but as Nicol Jarvie, the former portraying his youthful self, the latter his maturity.

Krull, Andrew D. 'Spectacles of Disaffection: Politics, Ethics, and Sentiment in Walter Scott's Old Mortality', ELH, 73 (2006), 695-727.

Argues that in Old Mortality Scott maps onto late seventeenth-century Scotland ethical tensions that Britain experienced following the defeat of Napoleon. The novel's projection of celebratory patriotic sentiments is central to its agenda of showing that the historical high-point of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 was as much a Scottish victory as it was an English one. Yet because these historical events are reported by a protagonist given to political ambivalences and moral trepidations, the patriotism is qualified by consciousness of the human carnage involved in national victory.

Lewin, Judith. 'The "Distinction of the Beautiful Jewess": Rebecca of Ivanhoe and Walter Scott’s Marking of the Jewish Woman', Jewish Culture and History, 8.1 (2006), 29-48.

Argues that in Ivanhoe, Rebecca refuses to be circumscribed by the discourses of orientialism, anti-semitism and idealism. Her Jewish female sexuality escapes the binary oppositions of East/West, past/present, Christian/alien, subject/object, and pure/tainted, creating an instability in Scott’s text that is only temporarily resolved through her expulsion. Concludes that cultural markers such as a yellow turban, a diamond earring, and a silver casket are used to render the Jewish woman reliably visible and relieve the tension created by a character who defies categories and conventions.

Lewin, Judith. 'Jewish Heritage and Secular Inheritance in Walter Scott's Ivanhoe', ANQ, 19 (2006), 27-33.

Identifies a key tension in Ivanhoe between British and Jewish conceptions of heritage and inheritance. Matrilineal, Jewish, sanguinary inheritance is at odds with the concept of patrilineal, Christian, nationalistic inheritance of 'real property'. The impossibility of their reconciliation is dramatized in the figure of Rebecca. In this article, inheritance is read both in terms of land and blood and in terms of literary inheritance or intertextuality (with particular emphasis on Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice).

Lincoln, Andrew. 'Walter Scott, Politeness, and Patriotism', Romantic Circles: Praxis Series, May 2006 (Romanticism and Patriotism: Nation, Empire, Bodies, Rhetoric) <> [accessed 12 December 2006]

Argues that Scott's historical investigations are partly driven by his patriotic paternalism, which shapes his interest in forms of cultural interaction between social orders in earlier ages. Within his fictions the emergence of politeness is grounded in a history of social division and exclusion. Following the example of Swift, Scott's own patriotic mission is an attempt to compensate for, and counteract, the divisive social consequences of modernisation.

Lutz, Deborah. 'The Spectral Other and Erotic Melancholy: The Gothic Demon Lover and the Early Seduction Narrative Rake (1532-1822)', in The Dangerous Lover: Gothic Villains, Byronism, and the Nineteenth-Century Seduction Narrative (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, c2006), pp. 29-47.

Discusses George Staunton (The Heart of Mid-Lothian), the Master of Ravenswood (The Bride of Lammermoor), and Captain Cleveland (The Pirate).

Lynch, Andrew. 'Holy Wars: British Medievalist Fictions as Cultural Struggle', antiTHESIS Forum, 3 (2006) <> [accessed 12 October 2009]

Situates Mark Twain's critique of Scott in Life on the Mississippi (1883) within a cultural struggle whereby neo-medievalism, comparatively relaxed and playful in Scott, was installed as the official basis of national or racial tradition, while its opponents sought to sunder the Middle Ages from later ages and make them the 'Other' of modernity. Charts a concomitant shift in writers such as Tennyson and Charlotte Yonge towards symbolic, rather than literal, understandings of medieval war.

McCracken-Flesher, Caroline. 'To Make a Prophet's Profit: Carlyle, Scott, and the Metaphorics of Self-Valuation', Scottish Studies Review, 7.2 (2006), 40-57.

Discusses the 1837 review of Lockhart's Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart., in which Carlyle castigates Scott for his worldly ambitions and love of profit. Suggests that Carlyle, lacking money but replete with language, establishes his own value by circulating around and renegotiating the worth of a writer he once termed 'my native Sovereign', deploying discourse against and within a newly capitalist world.

McCracken-Flesher, Caroline. '"You can't go home again": From Scott to the Scottish Parliament', Annual Bulletin (Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club), 2006, 45-57.

Print version of a talk given to the Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club on 9 February 2006, which argued that Scott's ideas, as propounded in The Bride of Lammermoor, The Pirate, and St. Ronan’s Well, were crucial to the foundation of a new Scotland. 

McGann, Jerome J. 'My Kinsman Walter Scott', in The Scholar’s Art: Literary Studies in a Managed World (Chicago, Ill.; London: University of Chicago Press, 2006), pp. 71-87.

Analyses Scott's framing devices as a means of urging readers to attend to the artifice of the work before them. An earlier version appeared in Scotland and the Borders of Romanticism, ed. Leith Davis, Ian Duncan, and Janet Sorensen (2004).

McIntosh-Varjabédian, Fiona. 'Walter Scott, lecteur de Froissart', in Actes du colloque international Jehan Froissart, Lille 3-Valenciennes, 30 septembre-1er octobre 2004, ed. Marie-Madeleine Castellani and Jean-Charles Herbin, special unnumbered issue of Perspectives médiévales, 2006, 165-77.

On Scott as a reader of the French medieval chronicler Jean Froissart.

McKinstry, Sam. 'The Positive Depiction of Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship in the Novels of Sir Walter Scott', Journal of Scottish Historical Studies, 26 (2006), 83-99.

Argues that recent claims that the negative depiction of businessmen in English literature has had a debilitating cultural and economic impact fail to take into account the positive portrayal of commerce and entrepreneurship in the widely-read Scott. Contends that Scott's attitude reflected peculiarly Scottish achievements in business of which he was an admirer and supporter.

McMullin, B. J. 'The Eighth Edition of Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel', Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 100 (2006), 447-61.

Provides a commentary and amendments to the entries on the eighth edition of The Lay of the Last Minstrel in Sir Walter Scott: A Bibliographical History, 1796-1832 by W.B. Todd and Ann Bowden.

McOwan, Rennie. 'A Trossachs Tale', Scots Magazine, 164 (2006), 176-81.

On The Lady of the Lake.

Maume, Patrick. 'Emily Lawless's Maelcho and the Crisis of the Imperial Romance', Éire-Ireland, 41.3-4 (2006), 245-66.

Includes (especially pp. 253-55) a discussion of how Emily Lawless's 1895 novel Maelcho novel undermines the genre of imperial romance derived from the historical novels of Sir Walter Scott, challenging its assimilation of the process of conquest and subjugation to a stadial model of progress.

Maxwell, Richard. 'A Game of Yes and No: Childhood and Apocalypse in Porius', Powys Journal, 16 (2006), 84-102.

Includes a discussion of the influence of Scott on John John Cowper Powys's novel Porius (1951).

Maxwell, Richard. 'Scott in France', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 11-30.

Examines Scott's influence on French writing as far as the work of Proust, also making clear the extent of initial French influence on Scott (which greatly assisted his French reception). Focuses first on a group of works associated with the Revolution of 1830, goes on to consider Scott's role as a formative, childhood influence on writers who came to maturity under the Second Empire, and finally considers vestiges of Scottophilia post-1900. (These ideas are further explored in Richard Maxwell's The Historical Novel in Europe, 1650-1950 (2009).)

Merten, Kai. 'Fremde Frauen und die Regie der Regency: Figuren kultureller Differenz als Ausgangspunkt eines ästhetischen Nationalismus bei Walter Scott', in Die Ordnung der Kulturen: Zur Konstruktion ethnischer, nationaler und zivilisatorischer Differenzen 1750-1850, ed. Hansjörg Bay and Kai Merten (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2006), pp. 277-97.

Reassesses Scott's role in the formation of British national identity in the light of current research on nationalism in Great Britain. Through an analysis of the figures of Meg Merrilies in Guy Mannering and Rebecca in Ivanhoe, seeks to characterize Scott's literary nationalism in a way which places greater stress on the role of cultural difference.

Modrzewska, Miroslawa. 'The Polish Reception of Sir Walter Scott', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 190-203.

Examines the 'enormous influence' of Scott on Polish Romanticism from before 1820, with special attention to Adam Mickiewicz and to Scott's role as reflected in Polish identity and its struggle with Russia. Goes on to discuss Scott's impact on the Polish historical novel in the late nineteenth century with particular reference to the work of Henryk Sienkiewicz.

Monnickendam, Andrew. 'Ivanhoe, a Tale of the Crusades; or Scott in Catalonia', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 64-79.

Describes Scott's influence on Catalan literature and culture during the nineteenth century with particular emphasis on the 1820s and 1830s. Examines his reception in two Barcelona journals El Europeo and El Vapor at the hands of three writers, Ramón López Soler, Bonaventura Carles Aribau, and Manuel Milá y Fontanals. The final section examines Scott's status in the later nineteenth century when his links with literature had diminished and importance as a nationalist increased.

Musselman, Elizabeth Green. 'Rational Faith and Hallucination', in Nervous Conditions: Science and the Body Politic in Early Industrial Britain (New York: State University of New York Press, 2006), pp. 146-88.

Includes (pp. 165-68) an analysis of Scott's discussion of hallucinations in Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, which concludes that Scott trod a line between discrediting the supernatural and encouraging the belief in ‘the abstract possibility of apparitions’.

Nemoianu, Virgil. 'Absorbing Modernization: The Dilemmas of Progress in Goethe's Faust II', in The Triumph of Imperfection: The Silver Age of Sociocultural Moderation in Europe, 1815-1848 (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2006), pp. 37-52.

Includes (especially pp. 37-41) a discussion of the interconnections between Scott and Goethe and their reception of each other's works.

Nemoianu, Virgil. 'From Historical Narrative to Fiction and Back: A Dialectical Game', in The Triumph of Imperfection: The Silver Age of Sociocultural Moderation in Europe, 1815-1848 (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2006), pp. 64-84.

Includes a discussion of why Waverley was perceived as genuinely innovative and was eagerly emulated throughout Europe and North America. A later version of this chapter appears in Romantic Prose Fiction, ed. Gerald Gillespie, Manfred Engel, and Bernard Dieterle (2008).

Nielsen, Jørgen Erik. '"His pirates had foray'd on Scottish hill": Scott in Denmark with an Overview of his Reception in Norway and Sweden', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 251-67.

Charts Scott's Scandinavian reception through a survey of translations, literary criticism, works influenced by Scott, and stage adaptations (including a 2003 production of Ivanhoe by Denmark's Royal Theatre). Identifies the criticism of Georg Brandes as playing a vital role in the relegation of Scott to the status of children's writer.

Nord, Deborah Epstein. '"A Mingled Race": Walter Scott's Gypsies', in Gypsies and the British Imagination, 1807-1930 (New York: Columbia University Press, 2006), pp. 21-42.

Argues that Scott's gypsies in Guy Mannering do not have the static, constant character posited by many of his contemporaries but are shown to have both intermingled with the Scots themselves and to be vulnerable to historical, political, and economic change.

Parrinder, Patrick. 'Romantic Toryism: Scott, Disraeli, and Others', in Nation & Novel: The English Novel from its Origins to the Present Day (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), pp. 145-79.

Includes (pp. 151-65) a discussion of Ivanhoe, Kenilworth, and Peveril of the Peak, showing how Scott turned the adventure tale or historical romance into a 'foundation epic of England'. Each novel shows a monarch reaffirming his subjects' liberties, yet Scott suggests that the fictional portrayal of royalty has certain dangers even for a Tory monarchist. His show of loyalty towards George IV does not disguise the fact that he claims absolute dominion over his own fictional creation.

Parrott, Jennifer. '"Slaves of the Imagination": Sir Walter Scott in the Works of Virginia Woolf', Virginia Woolf Miscellany, 70 (2006), 32-34.

Peers, Douglas M. ‘Conquest Narratives: Romanticism, Orientalism and Intertextuality in the Indian Writings of Sir Walter Scott and Robert Orme’, in Romantic Representations of British India, ed. Michael J. Franklin (London; New York: Routledge, 2006), pp. 238-58.

Analyses ‘The Surgeon’s Daughter’ as an orientalizing conquest narrative which traces the innate superiority of the British national character to environmental rather than biological or racial factors. By focussing on the military (with its large Scottish component), Scott also helped definitions and representations of Scottishness, along with Scottish Enlightenment ways of explaining historical evolution, to become integral elements in the dominant colonial culture. Also provides a brief survey of Scott’s Indian reception.

Pittock, Murray. 'Introduction: Scott and the European Nationalities Question', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 1-10.

Argues that Scott was, more than he knew, a highly political and politicized writer whose conclusions were not always as important to the European reader as what preceded them. Scott created both a language of Union, and one which could be deployed against it to emphasize marginality, repression and the inherent value of the domestic, autochthonous self.

Price, Fiona. 'Resisting `the spirit of Innovation': The Other Historical Novel and Jane Porter', Modern Language Review, 101 (2006), 638-51.

Argues that Jane Porter's fiction presents a challenge to the Lukácsian definition of the historical novel. Where Scott, in Lukács's reading, represents history as progress, Porter emphasizes history as continuity. Her historical novels provide an alternative to Scott in which the popular rituals and tales that rehearse past conflict preserve a national tradition of continuous heroism and self-sacrifice.

Procházka, Martin. 'From Romantic Folklorism to Children's Adventure Fiction: Walter Scott in Czech Culture', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 173-89.

Discusses Scott's importance in the national revival of the Czech lands and his influence on Pan-Slavism. Highlights the importance of landscape in the definition of the national self and the lessons that were learned from The Lady of the Lake. Often read in conjunction with James 'Ossian' Macpherson, Scott was used by writers such as Karel Hynek Mácha as an intertext between Czech history and their own fiction.

Reitemeier, Frauke. 'The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in German Literary Histories, 1820-1945', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 95-116.

Argues that the extent and focus with which German literary histories treated Scott ran parallel to the formation of the German Kaiserreich and -- as literary historians increasingly stressed Scott's German sources -- may be regarded as a mirror of German self-esteem. Preceded by an overview of German translations of Scott, focusing on distribution and reader response, and a brief discussion of Scott's impact on German historical fiction.

Reitemeier, Frauke. 'Scott, Sir Walter', in Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik. Personenteil, 2nd rev. edn, 17 vols (Kassel: Bärenreiter; Weimar: Metzler, 1999-2007), 15 (2006), 470-71 (double columns).

Encyclopedia entry detailing a) the role of music and musicians in Scott's works and b) Scott's influence on nineteenth-century music. Notes the musical performances of Flora and MacMurrough in Waverley and Ulrica in Ivanhoe, and observes how Effie Deans' sensitivity to music in The Heart of Mid-Lothian sets her at odds with her Calvinistic upbringing. Followed by a list of the most significant song-settings and operatic adaptations of Scott and a bibliography of works on Scott and music.

Robertson, Fiona. 'Walter Scott', in The Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature. 2, Enlightenment, Britain and Empire (1707-1918), ed. Susan Manning (Edinburgh: University Press, c2007 [i.e. 2006]), pp. 183-90.

Overview of Scott's life and works, showing how Scott shaped his own role as a new kind of 'public' writer, a culturally accountable spokesman for his country, and how this role in turn shaped his reputation. His career is seen as part of the complex negotiation between the private and public worlds of the writer going on throughout the early decades of the nineteenth century.

Russett, Margaret. 'The Gothic Violence of the Letter: Naming the Scotch Novelist', in Fictions and Fakes: Forging Romantic Authenticity, 1760-1845 (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp. 155-91.

Russett, Margaret. 'Unconscious Plagiarism: From "Christabel" to The Lay of the Last Minstrel', in Fictions and Fakes: Forging Romantic Authenticity, 1760-1845 (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp. 70-90.

An earlier version of this chapter appeared in Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, 43 (2003).

Sassoon, Donald. 'Walter Scott "in unclouded splendour"', in The Culture of the Europeans (London: HarperPress, 2006), pp. 144-60.

Traces Scott's European success to two factors: a cultural nationalism free of threatening political nationalism and the ability to make Europeans interested in his 'regional' history. In breaking down class and gender boundaries, Scott is seen to play a vital role in the formation of a mass reading public and in the creation of a common European culture.

Scraba, Jeffrey. 'How to Do Things with Worlds: Walter Scott's Experiments in Historiographic Theory', Working Papers on the Web, 9 (2006) <> [accessed 22 June 2009]

Smolej, Tone. 'Slovene Reception of Sir Walter Scott in the Nineteenth Century', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 241-50.

Sketches critical reception, reader response, and literary influence of Scott in Slovenia, where he was known largely in German translation. Focuses in particular on Scott's impact on Josip Jurcic, father of both the Slovene novel and Slovene literary prose.

Soubigou, Gilles. 'French Portraits of Sir Walter Scott: Images of the Great Unknown', Scottish Studies Review, 7.1 (2006), 24-37.

A survey of French portraits of Scott which notes that French portraitists -- and the French public at large -- were dismayed by the apparent disparity between Scott the Romantic novelist and the un-Romantic man. His outward appearance and moral and intellectual qualities were found disappointing. Argues that many artists addressed the paradox by painting views of Abbotsford which served better than portraits as emblems of Scott.

Swaim, Barton. '"What Is Scott?": John Gibson Lockhart's Professional Amateurism', Victorian Periodicals Review, 39 (2006), 280-97.

Argues that Lockhart's Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott (1837-38) resolves a conflict in his aesthetic theory between the idealization of amateurism and of its seeming opposite, professionalism. For Lockhart, Scott represents life in its fullness and complexity precisely because he makes his living outside literature. In this sense, Scott remains an amateur even after he achieves fame and financial success. An expanded version appears in Swaim's Scottish Men of Letters and the new Public Sphere, 1802-1834 (2009).

Szaffner, Emília. 'The Hungarian Reception of Walter Scott in the Nineteenth Century', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 138-56.

Charts how the Hungarian reception of Scott is closely connected to the expansion of a new reading public, the beginnings of indigenous literary criticism, and the rise of the novel genre in Hungary. Scott's novels are shown to play an unparalleled role in the development of Hungarian national identity. Many liberal reformers travelled to Scotland and Scott himself was seen as a purveyor of national myth.

Szamosi, Gertrud. 'The Canonization of Walter Scott as the Inventor of the Historical Novel in Twentieth-Century Hungarian Reception', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 157-72.

Charts how twentieth-century Hungarian critics variously dismissed an author 'struggling with Romantic extravagance' or saluted a pioneer of Realism. In spite of Party directives and Marxist complaints that he surrendered to the arbitrary workings of fantasy, Scott was widely published and read under Communism. At the turn of the new century, however, he appears to be widely dismissed as light reading.

Tambling, Jeremy. 'Scott's "Heyday" in Opera', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 285-92.

Identifies the heyday of Scott's musical influence as the 1830s and focuses, in particular, on operatic adaptations by Rossini, Bellini, and Donizetti. Argues that Scott was the primary focus for an interest in historical themes which ultimately extended beyond him. The historical operas inspired by Scott paved the way for 'grand opera' which exceeded in its sense of national display what Scott had legitimated and represented a quest for newer forms of musical nationalism.

Tulloch, Graham. 'Competing Medievalisms: Walter Scott, James Hogg and Chivalry', antiTHESIS Forum, 3 (2006) <> [accessed 12 October 2009]

Compares the treatment of chivalry in Hogg's The Three Perils of Man (1822) and Scott's 'Essay on Chivalry' (1818) and Castle Dangerous (1832). For Scott, chivalry may be 'fantastic' and 'harebrained' but its high principles and generosity counterbalance the human impulse towards 'ferocity'. For Hogg it is a sham, merely cloaking continuing human evil and folly. Hogg sees Middle Ages, with their uncontrolled human violence, as no different from his own times.

Wall, Cynthia Sundberg. 'The Foundling as Heir', in The Prose of Things: Transformations of Description in the Eighteenth Century (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2006), pp. 201-30.

Discusses Ivanhoe.

Waller, Philip. 'The Great Tradition', in Writers, Readers, and Reputations: Literary Life in Britain 1870-1918 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), pp. 175-231.

Includes a discussion (pp. 177-82) of the literary reputation of Scott in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Britain.

Watson, Nicola J. 'Abbotsford', in The Literary Tourist: Readers and Places in Romantic and Victorian Britain (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006), pp. 93-106.

Watson, Nicola J. 'The Lady of the Lake', in The Literary Tourist: Readers and Places in Romantic and Victorian Britain (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006), pp. 150-63.

Weissenberger, Ricarda. 'Scott, Galt, and Hogg', in The Search for a National Identity in the Scottish Literary Tradition and the Use of Language in Irvine Welsh’s 'Trainspotting' (Taunusstein: Driesen, c2006), pp. 49-55.

Wenner, Barbara Britton. 'The Geography of Persuasion', in Prospect and Refuge in the Landscape of Jane Austen (Aldershot: Ashgate, c2006), pp. 83-102.

Includes a comparison (pp. 99-102) between the use of landscape in Austen's Persuasion (1816) and Scott's The Heart of Mid-Lothian.

Wheeler, Michael. 'Jacobite Claims and London Mobs', in The Old Enemies: Catholic and Protestant in Nineteenth-Century English Culture (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), pp. 111-35.

Includes (pp. 114-19) a discussion of the treatment of Jacobitism and Catholicism in Waverley and Redgauntlet.

Wright, Beth S. '"Seeing with the Painter's Eye": Sir Walter Scott's Challenge to Nineteenth-Century Art', in The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe, ed. Murray Pittock (London: Continuum, 2006), pp. 293-312.

With particular emphasis on French painting, describes how Scott was a 'catalyst for modern art', offering artists an encyclopaedic thematic repertory, with subjects ranging from ancient Byzantine to modern European history. Scott offered vivid anecdote rather than lapidary precept, enabling artists, readers, and spectators to see the past, reconstructed in every antiquarian detail, and to have insight into its thoughts and emotions.

Yahav-Brown, Amit. 'Gypsies, Nomadism, and the Limits of Realism', MLN, 121 (2006), 1124-47.

Includes (pp. 1134-39) a discussion of Guy Mannering which argues that Scott defies literary precedent in employing Gypsy figures not to express anxiety about fragmentation but to re-imagine social cohesion. Meg Merrilies's fortunetelling inspires the novel's characters to progress from inaction or narrowly individualist action to collaborative action, and from laws that presume the inevitability of harmful acts among members of a community to laws that reflect individuals' own recognition of their positive connections with one another.

Zuelow, Eric G. E. '"Kilts versus Breeches: The Royal Visit, Tourism, and Scottish National Memory', Journeys, 7.2 (2006), 33-54.

Deals extensively with Scott' stage-management of George IV's visit to Edinburgh in 1822.

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1The multi-authored chapter 'Critical Apparatus: The Market for Novels - Some Critical Factors', in vol. 1 of The Novel (pp. 429-530) provides, in passing, much useful information on the international diffusion of Scott's work in the nineteenth-century and beyond.

2In addition to Duncan and Mack 2006 and Robertson 2006, there are further significant passages on Scott in the following chapters of The Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature: Cairns Craig, ‘The Study of Scottish Literature’, 1: 16-31; Paul Barnaby and Tom Hubbard, 'The International Reception and Literary Impact of Scottish Literature of the Period 1707-1918', 2: 33-44; Susan Manning, ‘Post-Union Scotland and the Scottish Idiom of Britishness’, 2: 45-56; Karen O'Brien and Susan Manning, 'Historiography, Biography and Identity', 2: 143-52; Nigel Leask, ‘Scotland’s Literature of Empire and Emigration, 1707-1918’, 2: 153-62; Barbara Bell, ‘The National Drama, Joanna Baillie and the National Theatre’, 2: 228-35; Cairns Craig, 'The Criticism of Scottish Literature: Tradition, Decline, and Renovation', 3: 42-52; Murray Pittock, 'Material Culture in Modern Scotland', 3: 64-7; Richard Butt, 'Literature and the Screen Media since 1908', 3: 53-63; Colin Milton, 'Past and Present: Modern Scottish Historical Fiction', 3: 114-29.

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